Publicaciones científicas en las que han participado los investigadores miembros de REMARCO.


«La acidificación de los océanos, el otro problema al aumento del CO2 : perspectivas para la compresión de sus efectos sobre los ecosistemas marinos en Argentina» . Betina J. Lomovasky et al. Revista «El ojo del cóndor». Número 11, páginas 38-41. Instituto Geográfico Nacional. Junio (2022).


«Regional assessment of the historical trends of mercury in sediment cores from Wider Caribbean coastal environments». Yoelvis Bolaños-Alvarez et al. Science of The Total Environment. Feb 3 (2024). 170609.

«Guía Para el Uso de Sedimentos en la Reconstrucción Histórica de la Contaminación en Zonas Costeras». Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (IAEA). IAEA-TECDOC-1953. Viena (2021).

«Sedimentary record of the impact of management actions on pollution of Cartagena bay, Colombia». Luisa F. Espinosa-Díaz et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol 172, November (2021). 112807.

«Plutonium in coral archives: A good primary marker for an Anthropocene type section». Joan-Alabert Sanchez-Cabeza et al. Science of The Total Environment. Vol. 771, 1 june (2021). 145077.

«210Pb-derived sediment accumulation rates across the Wider Caribbean Region» Ana Carolina Ruiz-Fernández et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Vol (223-224) (2020)

«Contaminación por Hidrocarburos en Sedimentos de Manglar del Estuario del Río Mira, Pacífico Colombiano, Afectados por Derrames de Petróleo Crudo» Ostin Garcés-Ordoñez y Luisa Espinosa. Boletín de Investigaciones Marino Costeras 48 (1), 159-168. (2019).

«Uncertainty and variability of extension rate, density and calcification rate of a hermatypic coral (Orbicella faveolata)». Serguei Damián Rico-Esenaro, et al. Science of The Total Environment. 650 (2019) 1576-1581.

«Recent trace metal enrichment and sediment quality assessment in an anthropized coastal lagoon (SE Gulf of California) from 210Pb-dated sediment cores». Jorge Feliciano Ontiveros, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 149 (2019). 110653.

«Coexisting sea-based and land-based sources of contamination by PAHs in the continental shelf sediments of Coatzacoalcos River discharge area (Gulf of Mexico)». Ana Carolina Ruíz-Fernández, et al. Chemosphere 144 (2016) 591-598.

«210Pb- sediment radiochronology: An integrated formulation and classification of dating models» Joan Albert Sanchez-Cabeza y Ana Carolina Ruíz-Fernández. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 82 (2012) 183-200.

«Radiocronología de Sedimentos Costeros Utilizando 210Pb: Modelos, Validación y Aplicaciones». Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (IAEA). Editores: Joan-Albert Sanchez-Cabeza, Misael Díaz-Asencio y Ana Carolina Ruíz-Fernández. Viena (2012).

«Effects of land use change and sediment mobilization on coastal contamination (Coatzacoalcos River, Mexico)». Ana Carolina Ruíz-Fernández, et al. Continental Shelf Research Vol. 37, 1 april (2012), pages 57-65.

«Geochemical fractionation of 210Pb in oxic estuarine sediments of Coatzacoalcos River, Gulf of Mexico». Jorge Feliciano Ontiveros, et al. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemestry (2012) 292: 947-956.

«Reconstruction of metal pollution and recent sedimentation processes in Havana Bay (Cuba): A tool for coastal ecosystem management». Misael Díaz-Asencio, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 196 (2011) 402-411.


«Accelerating microplastic contamination in 210Pb dated sediment cores from an urbanized coastal lagoon (NW Mexico) since the 1990s« Ana Carolina Ruíz-Fernández et al. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 951, 175613 (2024)

«Microplastics transport in a low-inflow estuary at the entrance of the Gulf of California« Jose Gilberto Cardoso-Mohedano et al. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 870, 161825 (2023)

«Microplastic contamination and fluxes in a touristic area at the SE Gulf of California» Rios-Mendoza et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021)

«Prevalence of microplastic contamination in the digestive tract of fishes from mangrove ecosystem in Cispata, Colombian Caribbean« Ostin Garcés-Ordoñez et al. Marine Pollution Bolletin 154 (2020) 111085.

«Distribution of Plastic Debris in the Pacific and Caribbean Beaches of Panama» Denise Delvalle de Borrero et al. Air, Soil and Water Research (2020) Vomume 13 1-8

«Plastic litter pollution along sandy beaches in the Caribbean and Pacific coast of Colombia» Ostin Gracés-Ordoñez et al. Enviromental Pollution. Vol 267 (2020)

«Impactos de la Contaminación por Basura Marina en el Ecosistema de Manglar de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano». Ostin Garcés-Ordoñez y Mónica Bayona. REVMAR, Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, Vol 11(2): 145-165. Julio-Diciembre (2019).

«Marine Litter and Microplastic Pollution on Mangrove Soils of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean» Ostin Garcés-Ordoñez et al. Marine Pollution Bolletin 145 (2019) 455-462.

«La Amenaza de la Basura Marina» Ostin Garcés-Ordoñez. Artículo de Revista «Ronda Sostenible» Número 5, Mayo (2019). Colombia.

«Low Prevalence of Microplastic Contamination in Planktivorous Fish species from the Southeast Pacific Ocean»Nicolás Ory et al. Marine Pollutions Bolletin 127 (2018) 211-216.


«Fatty acids in microalgae and cyanobacteria in a changing world: contrasting temperate and cold environments». Hernando M., Schloss I., de la Rosa F., De Troch M. Biocell (2022) 46(3), 607-621.

«Response of antioxidant defenses of Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanobacteria) to increased temperature». Florencia de la Rosa, Marcelo Hernando, Claudio Cervino and Gabriela Malanga. Phycologia (2022).

«Spatiotemporal distribution of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in Beagle Channel (South America) during 2005-2017». Cadaillon A.M., Almandoz G.O, Hernando M., Saravia L., Maldonado S., Schloss I.R. Progress in Oceanography (2022) DOI:10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102757.

«The Eco-Physiological Role of Microcystis aeruginosa in a Changing World». Giannuzzi, L.; Hernando, M.. Microorganisms (2022) 10, 685.

«Physiological responses and specific fatty acids composition of Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to total solar radiation and increased temperature». de la Rosa Florencia; De Troch Marleen; Malanga Gabriela and Hernando Marcelo. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences (2021) 20, 805-821.

«Application of Six Detection Methods for Analysis of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in Shellfish from Four Regions within Latin America» Andrew D. Turner et al. Marine Drugs (2020), 18, 616.

«Ultrahigh-Performance Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Cromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Determination of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins and Tetrodotoxin in Mussels, Oyster, Clams, Cockles, and Scallops: Collaborative Study» Andrew D. Turner et al. Journal of AOAC International Vol 103, (2020).

«Structural Variation of Potentially Toxic Epiphytic Dinoflagellates on Thalassia testudinum from Two Coastal Systems of Colombian Caribbean» Natalia Arbeláez, José Ernesto Mancera-Pineda, Beatríz Reguera. Harmful Alagae 92 (2020) 101738.

«Environmental forcing on the flux of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in recent sediments from a subtropical lagoon in the Gulf of California». Tomasa Cuellar-Martinez, et al. Science of The Total Environment. Vol. 621, 15 April (2018). Pages 548-557.


Reserva Natural de Usos Multiples Monterrico RNUMM. (Fotografía: CEMA, Guatemala)

«Contribuyendo con las Bases Científicas de la Calidad Ambiental Marino Costera de Colombia para la Gestión Ambiental» Revista «País de Mares» N°8, Diciembre (2019), Colombia

«Sedimentary record of recent climate impacts on an insular coastal lagoon in the Gulf of California». Tomasa Cuellar-Martinez, et al. Quaternary Science Reviews 160 (2017) 138-149.

«Supervivencia de Propágulos de Rhizophora mangle Bajo Tensores Ambientales en el Brazo Calacala del Río Ranchería, Caribe Colombiano» Ostin Garcés-Ordoñez y Martha Castellanos-Martínez. Bol. Investiciones Maino Costeras 45 (2) 345-353. Colombia, (2016).

«Dating young Holocene coastal sediments in tropical regions: Use of fallout 239,240Pu as alternative chronostratigraphic marker». J.A. Corcho-Alvarado, et al. Quaternary Geochronology 22 (2014) 1-10.