REMARCO´s collaborative principle is to contribute to the well-being and sustainability of the marine-coastal environments of the region, through research, scientific development and the implementation of recognized and validated methodologies. In addition, communicate their results in a clear, concise and direct way, with the aim of providing said information to the competent authorities of the respective country members, which allows timely decision-making.

For REMARCO it is essential that the results of the research and projects in which it participates be communicated to decision-makers, authorities and the general public, so that this information generates an impact on public policies in the countries of the region and in the daily life of its inhabitants.

REMARCO Promotional Video, «For the oceans, for our future»

In this VIDEO we show you the work of our Network 🤝🎥

Promotional Material (Proyect RLA7/022):

📋Brochure REMARCO (Spanish) Research Network of Marine-Coastal Stressors in Latin America and the Caribbean

📋Brochure REMARCO (English) Research Network of Marine-Coastal Stressors in Latin America and the Caribbean

📋Brochure «Chemical Contamination».

📋Brochure «Ocean Acidification»

📋Brochure «Microplastic Contamination».

📋Brochure «Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Marine Biotoxins».


  • [video_popup url=»″ text=»Ver Conversatorio de REMARCO realizado el 04-November - 2020🎥»]

Regional Course on Ocean Acidification-REMARCO:

  • [video_popup url=»» text=»Ver Video Carbono inorgánico disuelto – Dr. Martín Hernández 🎥»]
  • [video_popup url=»″ text=»Ver Video Alcalinidad Total – Dr. Martín Hernández 🎥»]
  • [video_popup url=»» text=»Ver Video REMARCO Muestreo sistema CO2 / Sampling CO2 system 🎥«]
  • [video_popup url=»» text=»Ver Video REMARCO Carbono Inorgánico Disuelto – AIRICA; Dissolved Inorganic Carbon AIRICA 🎥«]
  • [video_popup url=»″ text=»Ver Video REMARCO Material de Referencia agua de mar para AT y CID/ Seawater Reference Material for TA and DIC 🎥«]

Regional Virtual Workshop, Sedimentary Cores - REMARCO

Workshop "Development of the regional strategy for the use of sediments in the historical reconstruction of microplastic pollution in coastal areas", held on 16-20 May 2022.

  • [video_popup url=»» text=»Ver Video REMARCO Sesión 1. Introducción a Tutoriales – Dra. Ana Carolina Ruíz Fernández. 🎥«]
  • [video_popup url=»″ text=»Ver Video REMARCO Sesión 2. Selección de Sitio de Muestreo SPA – Dra. Ana Carolina Ruíz Fernández. 🎥«]
  • [video_popup url=»» text=»Ver Video REMARCO Sesión 3. Variables Básicas SPA – Dra. Ana Carolina Ruíz Fernández. 🎥«]
  • [video_popup url=»» text=»Ver Video REMARCO Sesión 4. Manejo de Núcleo Sedimentario SPA – Dra. Ana Carolina Ruíz Fernández. 🎥«]
  • [video_popup url=»» text=»See REMARCO Video Sesión 5. Procesamiento de Núcleo sedimentario SPA – Dra. Ana Carolina Ruíz Fernández.🎥«]
  • [video_popup url=»» text=»Ver Video REMARCO Sesión 6. Registros SPA – Dra. Ana Carolina Ruíz Fernández.🎥«]
  • [video_popup url=»» text=»Ver Video REMARCO Sesión 7. Uso de Nucleador de Gravedad UWITEC SPA FINAL – Dra. Ana Carolina Ruíz Fernández.🎥«]
  • [video_popup url=»» text=»Ver Video REMARCO Sesión 8. Uso del Sistema de Extrusión UWITEC SPA – Dra. Ana Carolina Ruíz Fernández.🎥«]